Tagget med transcendental meditation

Brain-Based Approach to a Peaceful and Sustainable World.

157 views 12. desember 2024

Extensive research has shown that small groups practicing Transcendental Meditation and the advanced TM-Sidhi program has a positive effect on the whole society. Benefits include substantial reductions in war, crime, and accidents.

World-Class Brain and Research on Transcendental Meditation.

242 views 12. desember 2024

Extensive research shows that higher human mind-brain-development spontaneously results in higher and more sustainable performance and behavior.

Our Perception of Reality and the Quality of Our Society: Higher Mind-Brain Development is...

181 views 12. desember 2024

Today, the world is faced with several major problems: Wars, poverty, pollution, and global warming. These problems can only be solved in a fundamental way through human mind-brain-development.